

1. any of several soft-furred, large-eared,
rodentlike burrowing mammals of the family Leporidae, allied with the hares and
pikas in the order Lagomorpha, having a divided upper lip and long hind legs,
usually smaller than the hares and mainly distinguished from them by bearing
blind furless young in nests rather than fully developed young in the open.

2. my nickname.



2. a mess, jumble, or
muddle: a hash of unorganized facts and figures.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

the written word.

when you hear 'written word' what comes to mind? written books? like stories and 'literature'? i've noticed lately that this increasingly so means texting and previously email.

and i love grammar. and spelling. and then than their there they're etc. my nana made SURE i did. although i have given up on capitols and some punctuation; i do spell things wrong on occassion and especially when i have a good idea as my fingers can't keep up with my thoughts. then it's all fair game.

too bad papa couldn't enforce the math skills as strongly. although he did make me cry once; but i digress....lol.

and that right THERE is what i meant this blog to be. the big 'lol'. i know SO many people hate it, and sometimes i do too, especially when thirteen year old girls physically say "l - o - l" instead of just giggling innanely.

'hi my name is jess, and i'm an lol over-user"
"hi jess!"
"uh, hi"

i literally use it all the time. at this point i don't notice or else it's just added to EVERY sentence i text/email. and i don't mean to annoy. i apologize sincerely. i just am SO scared of the written word. when it's written by people i know, or myself. do you know what i mean? lol (jk)<-great ANOTHER confessional blog at a later date i'm sure.

SO, i am so overly worried that people will assume too much of my natural spoken sarcasm/lameness/funniness into my texts emails etc when they can't actually HEAR the inflection i hear when i hear it in my head as i type it, that i add the 'lol' as a safety net of sorts, so that i don't actually overstimulate or worry anyone.

also, it's REALLY hard to always understand what people are meaning when they text etc. especially with all the abbreviations of words and people's own brand's of short hand from the hungover lectures of yesteryear. so be kind, don't jump to conclusions. don't assume someone's instantly vapid.... although, thank you; i have been called that like a HUNDRED times.

so much so that i once offput a current boyfriend (that i was breaking up with shortly and who lived across the country), in an email that he uses that as a MAIN REASON not to talk/email /add me/accept my friend requests on facebook. and i mean really?! i believe he said that i 'couldn't be serious'.

for those of you that know me i am DEFINATELY one of the biggest goofs, and clumsy (i like to think of myself as the original Bella Swan - oooOOOOooo! capitols! and a 'Twilight' reference! bet i just upped my 'possible' demographic for followers!), and always the first one to laugh at herself. hey kids! remember that time we went to see a movie (50 first dates?), and i sat in the theatre seat and went right through -spilling my pop not only on me, but also ALL over Stumpy too?

and when the manager came over he just redirected me to the seat behind my original one and cornered off the broken mess (the chair - not me), with yellow hazard tape. not once thinking "hey maybe she'd like her money back.... or at least another diet coke."

i mean really?! ANYWAYS, over using the big 'lol'. guilty. lock me away. but really i'm just looking out for you guys. i mean if i wrote something that was hilarious and possibly slightly sarcastic to you in a text, chances are i'd be bustin' a gut and you'd be like 'eff you jess!', but maybe for other reasons instead of the text. just sayin' is all.

and perhaps from now on, instead of over analyzing all my thoughts on the digital page i will instead over check and re-read my written stuff copious times, hoping through this wine haze i have caught every last little tiny mistake; praying that there are none, considering my earlier boasts. and knowing that SOMEONE will find SOMETHING to bitch about later with this lil' ole blog.

i guess the point (if there is one, or needs to be one) is that i apologize. sincerely. i'm just looking out for your feelings.

UPDATE: i DEFINATELY checked this over and over and over again for little tiny mistakes and typos.... pretty sure i got 'em all. do your best fuckers.

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