

1. any of several soft-furred, large-eared,
rodentlike burrowing mammals of the family Leporidae, allied with the hares and
pikas in the order Lagomorpha, having a divided upper lip and long hind legs,
usually smaller than the hares and mainly distinguished from them by bearing
blind furless young in nests rather than fully developed young in the open.

2. my nickname.



2. a mess, jumble, or
muddle: a hash of unorganized facts and figures.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

failed again

i forgot my camera in our rush to the fall fair. so alas i have no photos only words. specifically one. underwhelming. 

it wasn't all i had hoped. nay, all we had hoped. don't get me wrong the love of the idea was there, as well as good friends and walking hand in hand. i even won my very own zebra stuffie from a racing game. i never win anything.

we attempted three rides (really, there were only three for 'grown ups') and the first two were terrible. i love roller coasters. i do not like spinning. i loathe those swings at amusement parks - i just don't get it. and i always leave nauseated. 

well the first ride was very spiny. and you could increase or decrease your spin and speed. and of course the boys kept going faster. and the ride attendant made everyone go twice. i had also been fighting a terrible headache all day but told myself 'it's the fall fair!'.

ride two wasn't much better. it was like a ferris wheel but totally enclosed so you could spin upside down etc. and of course the carnies - for that is clearly what they were, and i mean no disrespect to travelling show folk - ignored protests of no spinning please and promises of vomit on their shoes and spun us anyways. it was awful. and backwards and fast. and then the carnie forgot myself and R, let off all our companions and started the ride again. we went around twice more yelling both passes at him to let us off. as we disembarked he grinned with his glassy eyed high-in-the-sky look and said 'thought i forgot someone'.

the last ride was the classic ferris wheel. fastest ferris wheel i've ever been on. and we had the good fortune to be swayed with the sounds on a nickelback song on repeat. and half our group had to wait for the second go round before getting on. then the music changed to the tragically hip. whilst on the ferris wheel trying to recount our very first outing to a fair together some almost 6 years ago, R quipped, 'do you think this is what hell is? being stuck on a terrible ferris wheel while nickelback plays?'. i couldn't have agreed more.

also while stuck at the top of the ferris wheel we noticed the kettle corn booth closing up for the night. as soon as we disembarked we yelled up to our friends that we'd be right back and ran as fast as we could down the midway and were able to secure a prized bag of possibly my favourite treat. our companions got off the wheel and laughed with us recounting at how we'd looked barreling down the empty dirt road (for that is what the fair was built on) in search of a treat.

needless to say it did not live up to our expectations. perhaps we are just jaded in our old(er) age? our memories have just made the initial fair that more shiny? i thanked R for a lovely time anyway, teased him once more about my winning my own midway game and subsequent prize, and kissed his nose. he kissed my forehead and apologized saying, 'it's about time i took you back to one of these, and i'm upset it took so long and wasn't all we'd hoped'. so i took him home and spent all night snuggled deep against his side wishing good thoughts and love to him for being such a wonderful manfriend. 

despite our fall un-fair.

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